They stand high, They stand tall. Its been hard for sky scrapers to match their grandeur..
They stand as we pass, silently observing, with wisdom that only comes through ages of ruminations. These are those super structures that we interpret as part of the landscape and tag it as something that had existed and would exist. but , as with anything that we see as permanent, mountain too has a life-cycle.. it was born, it raises high among its peers, touches the zenith and slowly erodes itself to oblivion.
Be it a tectonic shift or a wizards hand, Mountain was a level land before, the one that farmer conquered and domesticated, that emperors wanted to own, that an average human desire to earn, transformed slowly but steadily. learning to adorn itself with nature as it grew, provide and protect the flora and fauna, climbing to new heights. Even wearing a white cap of serene beauty.
Unlike other nature’s wunderkind’s , mountains take hold of you on seeing it in close quarters.It starts with deafening you by barometric pressure changes. Then fills you with all colors, ever changing with seasons, as a visual treat. Comforting chill hugs you bringing you even closer to your loved ones ;). It does not scare you, make you fear of survival but amaze with diversity in nature.
Mountains may provide shelter for lesser number of fauna when compared to ocean, but doesn't stop in publicizing its marvels. Ocean looks very desolate from surface where as, even it were to be a lone panda, mountain amplifies even the noise of a fumbling occupant.
Randomness is ranges prove that variety in life can still have a commonality in its mission. Its the right attitude that while keeping our heads held high ,can bring happiness not only to self but to others around us as well.