I have been promoted to be Senior Software Engineer!!. I donno how i must feel but am really happy that i have climbed one step in a ladder..
This brings me to an important topic "Career".. guess it must be the most talked upon topic. so let me scribble something too..
Firstly, when i say " i wannabe this or that" .. i do not understand one thing.. does it mean that i will be happy only when i reach that "such and such" a post? i do not think so as it will be quite some time b4 i reach that spot and should i be gloomy till then?
This leads to an interesting thought.. i feel u must choose a career where in the path u take is what u like rather than the destination.. that way u'll be happy for a longer time.. but the best wuld be when both the path u take and the destination interests u..
the reason for this is that many guys may like to have a career in management .. does it mean would they hate their coding days?? i cannot answer that coz i wannabe in management ladder and i love coding !! quite a freak!
then there is this option .. do wat u like as a hobby (like what anuj does) and earn for what u hate to do!! (donno would jat like this)... waitin for ur dream job!! well thats good too !!
well this is rather a person specific topic and i cannot comment more .. let me leave u to ponder at this point!